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Top entertaining card game Ocho!

Имя: annarose (Новичок)
Дата: 20 декабря 2022 года, 6:30
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If you want to play the waffle game, you need a rich vocabulary. Then in Ocho, your shuffle is the only thing that can make you a winner! Take your deck in hand and carefully choose the best cards to draw. If you are lucky and talented enough, you can win this game!
This is a card game that you can enjoy with your friends or with an online opponent if you are playing alone. Either way, you'll enjoy the sweet excitement of the popular card game. In this card game, each side will be randomly dealt 8 cards, with an online opponent if you are playing alone. Either way, you'll enjoy the sweet excitement of the popular card game. In this card game, each side will be randomly dealt 8 cards. In the middle will be a card from the backup deck on the left side of the screen. You will take turns going clockwise and choosing a card from your deck of the same color, number, or special type as the center square. Always make sure you use special cards like 8 waffle cards, skip cards, reverse cards, and Draw 2 or Draw 4 wild cards. The player who discards all of their cards first wins the game! If you enjoy this fun card game, you should also check out Stage 10 for another uniquely designed card game!

Средняя оценка: 1,94

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