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Rfid Tag For File Management

Имя: oprfid123456 (Новичок)
Дата: 25 августа 2022 года, 4:03
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RFID file management tag is a kind of passive RFID tag used to identify the identity of items. It automatically identifies the target object and related data through radio frequency signals. RFID technology can identify high-speed moving objects and can identify multiple different objects or heterogeneous products at the same time, and can also identify stationary or low-speed moving objects. It has broad application prospects in logistics management, library management and other application fields.

There are many disadvantages in the traditional management of paper archives, such as: it is difficult to find, easy to damage and difficult to count; However, the barcode scanning method has the problems of high cost and low efficiency; In addition, there are problems such as serious waste of paper. With the development of information technology and the popularization of Internet of things, the application of bar code and RFID technology will bring great changes and innovation space to the traditional file management mode.

Click link to view more products of passive RFID tags:


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