High-quality medical device
In the case of Vita Pure, the bodily houses of the volcanic zeolite mineral are significantly more suitable through a patented training process. The PMA era used guarantees huge magnification the floor of microcrystals and for that reason extended ion change withinside the body. Due to this, the clinical zeolite draws a good deal greater impurities and has a extra cappotential to launch minerals that cross a long way past the houses of the uncooked material.
In the LavaVitae product, to similarly decorate the impact of Vita Pure, 10% dolomite changed into added. This rock flour includes maximum of the macronutrients of magnesium and calcium in best proportions. As a result, it optimizes the mineral stability withinside the clinical zeolite, and additionally results in the development of the change houses of the volcanic mineral. For more at [url=https://zeolitmedyczny.pl/]zeolit[/url]
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