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Company Formation Procedure in Turkey (Business in Turkey)

Имя: ns5393 (Новичок)
Дата: 9 марта 2022 года, 8:41
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At setupinbahrain we regularly assist foreign corporations and investors to form new companies and branches in Turkey. Thanks to the Turkish Direct Foreign Investment regulation; foreign investors can incorporate or participate in all types of companies in Turkey which are available for local investors in accordance with the equal treatment principle
In General
There are two kinds of limited liability companies in Turkey. There are certain similarities and differences between these two forms, namely Anonim Sirket («AS») and Limited Sirket («LS»).
Similarities and differences are as follows;
Both AS and LS are actually limited liability companies where the liability of shareholders of both the AS and the LS are limited to their respective capital commitment in the company.
Both AS and LS can be established by sole shareholder.
Under the current Turkish Commercial Code numbered 6102 (the «TCC»), minimum capital required for LS is 10,000.00 Turkish Liras (approximately €4,249.- EUR as of 18.01.2013) and a minimum capital of 50,000.00 Turkish Liras (approximately €21,250.- EUR as of 18.01.2013) is required for the incorporation of an AS. However, for the AS companies which accepted the registered capital system, it is a requirement to have a minimum capital of 100,000.00 Turkish Liras.
An AS is managed by its board of directors. It is possible to have a single person within the board of directors. An LS does not have board of directors but is managed instead by its general manager and shareholders. All authorities of the shareholders relating to the management of LS can be granted to a general manager or one of the shareholders. For more at  https://setupinbahrain.com/company-formation-in-turkey/

(Отредактировано: ns5393, 9 марта 2022 года, 8:42)

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Re: Company Formation Procedure in Turkey (Business in Turkey) к предыдущему сообщению в дереве

Имя: andreeoren (Новичок)
Кому: ns5393
Дата: 25 сентября 2024 года, 10:27
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What sets Slope apart from other games is the sheer level of challenge it provides. The fast-paced gameplay and constantly changing obstacles require a level of focus and precision that few games demand. Every mistake feels like an opportunity to improve, and the satisfaction of making it through a tough section is immense.
Re: Company Formation Procedure in Turkey (Business in Turkey) к предыдущему сообщению в дереве

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Кому: andreeoren
Дата: 1 октября 2024 года, 10:49
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