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Best Cardiac surgeon In Jaipur

Имя: hindustantools (Новичок)
Дата: 24 февраля 2022 года, 16:40
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Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) or heart is a procedure that improves blood flow to the heart. When one or more coronary arteries become partly, this procedure is normally performed in adults. The surgery usually takes 3-6 hours. Dr. Lalit Malik, Best Heart Surgeon in Jaipur, specializes in Cardiovascular diseases and Cardiothoracic surgery like thoracic surgeries including chest wall defects, heart attacks, heart failure, video-assisted minimally invasive cardiac surgeries

Coronary arteries provide oxygenated blood to the heart. Plaque, a substance found in the blood, builds up on the arterial walls and clogs the blood vessel. Blood flow to the heart muscles would be reduced as a result of the clogged vessel. Atherosclerosis is the name for Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). Heart failure and cardiac arrest can result as a result of this.

The coronary artery’s role is to provide oxygenated blood to the heart. The blood is redirected around the blocked part of the coronary artery and back to the heart by the surgeon. He accomplishes this by severing a blood vessel in the side, leg, or chest. Before the block, one end of the artery is attached, and the other end is connected after the block.

The surgeon thus establishes a new pathway for oxygenated blood to enter the heart muscles. The blood is delivered to the heart by a new vessel added by the surgeon. This eliminates almost all of the symptoms associated with a block, such as chest pain and shortness of breath.

Dr. Lalit Malik, Best Cardiac surgeon In Jaipur, also. Expertise in cardiothoracic surgeries like Cardiomyoplasty, myocardial total arterial revascularization, transmyocardial laser revascularization, Reduction ventriculoplasty (Batista Operation), Heart port access surgery, aortic valve surgery, and robotically-assisted cardiac surgery.

Средняя оценка: 1,6
Re: Best Cardiac surgeon In Jaipur к предыдущему сообщению в дереве

Имя: geebranz (Новичок)
Кому: hindustantools
Дата: 9 марта 2022 года, 15:19
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