CIIB foundation is worldwide training provider situated in Canada. We center around the conveyance of profoundly pragmatic business training for people and business courses. CIIB offers courses in the space of General Business, Human Resources, Portfolio, Program and Project Management, and Leadership. We develop and sustain multi-social and backing the trading of information in a shared climate.
Out understudies get down to earth first class business bits of knowledge, abilities, and information structure rehearsing business pioneers with many long periods of viable involvement with their fields. These abilities empower our understudies to foster the certainty to move toward any expert genuine business circumstance.
Thus, our understudies assist their organizations with dominating in the everchanging worldwide market.
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Свидетельство о регистрации ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 79138 от 22.09.2020
Выдано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор)
Учредитель — ООО «ВСС»
Главный редактор — Куранов Ю.Г.
Телефон: +7 (903) 798-68-89