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What to do if your water damage to macbook air in dubai

Имя: devin_123 (Новичок)
Дата: 27 июня 2022 года, 15:34
If you still water your MacBook with water or something else, don’t panic, we’ll tell you what needs to be done to save the laptop and to prevent as much as possible serious consequences from getting moisture before arriving at the service center.
We should not forget that any electronics is not designed for contact with water, and its components (boards, circuits) react very quickly, the count goes on seconds!
So, first of all, you need to calm down, then proceed to resuscitation: water damage macbook
Step 1 . Turn off your Macbook as quickly as possible by pressing and holding the power button!
Step 2 . Disconnect it from the network and peripherals (if they are connected)
Step 3 . Take paper towels or towels and wipe the liquid as far as possible. Option No. 2 — we turn the laptop upside down with the keyboard and put it open on a towel on the edge of the table (the keyboard lies on the table, the screen hangs).
Step 4 . If you have a screwdriver at hand, quickly turn the laptop over, unscrew the screws securing the back cover, and remove the battery.
Step 5 . We urgently take the MacBook to a service center or call a courier to the house for professional Macbook air repair water damage in dubai prevention or troubleshooting.
We all love to drink coffee, tea, beer, wine or just water while playing games, watching movies, surfing the Internet or working at a macbook pro water . At the same time, we rarely reflect on the fact that one careless movement is enough for all this liquid to appear on an open laptop, which will very quickly fail after such «water procedures». Also, in addition to the traditional overturning of cups or glasses, often the cause of corrosion of internal elements, short circuits, swollen batteries and other breakdowns are wet hands that are not wiped off after washing, the macbook gets wet in the rain, and the laptop stays in water damage macbook in dubai high humidity (in the bathroom, for example) etc. water damage macbook in dubai
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